The thesis will explore on a methodological and epistemological level what are “story maps” and what story maps aim to achieve. One challenge is to uncover how story maps make knowledge about geographical events more accessible.
The topic is two-fold:
a) requires developing several case studies on historical events, based on Estonian geo-referenced photo archives;
b) various GIS methods and technologies are employed to draft a customized story mapping framework that aligns with the developed theoretical background, and does not rely on available proprietary or other pre-made software packages. The topic is suitable for master students specialized in geoinformatics or Estonian Human Geography. Familiarity with Estonian language, geography and history in general is required.
Background in at least one of a) web mapping technologies (LTOM.02.043 Spatial Data Infrastructures / LTOM.02.067 Spatial Data on the Web) or b) Python scripting skills (LTOM.02.041 Geospatial Analysis with Python and R) would be highly desirable.
Co-supervisor Taavi Pae