5. Advancing web cartography

Base maps are widely used in spatial data visualisation. However, the existing base maps for Estonia based on the Estonian Topographic Database have limited styling options and are only available in WMS. Alternatives in web map and mobile friendly tile-based (OSM XYZ / TMS) or Vector Tiles (MVT) format are only available from providers of Open Street Map data or commercial (Google, ESRI, o.a).

The aim of this thesis is to improve on current efforts (see images) in web cartography at the Chair of Geoinformatics and Cartography of base maps styling based purely on Estonian authoritative data (Landboard). The task is to develop, improve, and describe styling methods for base maps in Geoserver, Mapnik, and MapBox VectorTiles for comparison. Special challenges include adequate labeling, label positioning and symbology.

This thesis is mostly focused on map design but also requires some engagement with web mapping technologies and the underlying spatial database, therefore the topic is only suitable for master students specialized in geoinformatics. Understanding of web mapping technologies is required (LTOM.02.043 Spatial Data Infrastructures / LTOM.02.067 Spatial Data on the Web). Familiarity with Postgresql/Postgis (LTOM.02.040 Spatial Databases) and Estonian geography in general would be highly desirable.

Co-supervisor Raivo Aunap
